Having a plan!

Even though things do not always go as planned, it is important to have a plan. If you don’t have a plan, there will be no structure to your life, and you wouldn’t be taking the necessary actions to get to the next step of your life. Having a plan is equivalent to providing yourself with goals.

With my goals I have for myself, I work towards them with an open-mind. Open-mind, meaning leaving room for anything that can happen. Having structure is beneficial because it allows you to know where to go next in your process. You would not be lost and you can strategically get to your next step.

Many of us have ideas of where we want to go in our lives which is really good, but to continue to be open about your plans. You know the saying “you plan and God laughs” is so true because although we have a way how we want it to go, it probably will not happen exactly the way we planned. The plan he has for us is better than you could imagine.  Give yourself a plan to go in the direction you want to go and trust and believe, God will guide you in the right footsteps.

Pray on your plans and God will make a way, if it’s for you. Everything you have or receive you will have it. No one can take your blessings from you.